“Pretesting acts as a metacognitive ‘reality check,’ highlighting what you do and do not know.” Sitting a “pretest” on knowledge you have yet to learn...
Generated with help from https://storm.genie.stanford.edu/ summary The Temporal framework is an open-source platform designed to simplify the...
git init git status touch Readme.md git add touch Readme.md git commit -m ‘added Readme.md‘ git branch feat-a git branch. // listing all branches. *...
Source: https://firebase.google.com/docs/flutter/setup?platform=ios Pre-requisite: Get access to Firebase console Then Install the command line...
Heuristics Mind-Map Checklist Source https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/hands-on-mobile-app/9780134191829/ch04.html#ch04lev2sec18
Enabling APP for UI automation Install Appium Flutter Driver: Appium Flutter Driver is a test automation tool for Flutter apps on multiple platforms....